Compare Recycled Assembly Screen

Use this screen to select one or more estimate lines and compare the cost to a recycled assembly.

Description of fields on the Estimate tab screen

Field Label Description
Line This is the estimate line number. Select one or more to begin the comparison.
Operation This value is the operation type of the selected estimate line.
Description Description of the part or labor operation.
Quantity This pertains to the number of parts in the selected estimate line.
Ext. Price $ This value is calculated from the price of the part multiplied by the quantity.
Labor Hours / Paint Hours Any labor hours associated with the selected estimate line appear in these fields.
Estimate Lines -
Price $
These values are summed as you select one or more estimate lines for comparison.
Recycled Assembly -
Price $
Values in these fields are taken from the Recycled Assembly tab information.
Difference _ Price $ These vales represent the cost difference of the selected estimate lines compared to the cost of the recycled assembly.
Replace with Recycled Select this option to replace the selected estimate lines and add the recycled assembly to the estimate.
Cancel Selecting this option closes the screen without adding.

Description of fields on the Recycled Assembly tab screen

Field Label Description
Description Enter a description of the recycled assembly as it will appear in the estimate line.
(search button) Select this button to search and select recycled suppliers with the associated parts.
Parts Cost $ Enter the base cost amount. If you selected the assembly from the Select Recycled Parts screen, that value displays instead.
Parts Markup $ Enter the markup amount. If you selected the assembly from the Select Recycled Parts screen, that value displays instead.
Labor Category Body is the default value. You can select a different labor category from the droplist.
Labor Hours
Paint Hours
Enter the labor hours in these fields. If you selected the assembly from the Select Recycled Parts screen, those values display instead.
Estimate Lines -
Price $
These values are summed as you select one or more estimate lines for comparison.
Recycled Assembly -
Price $
Values in these fields are taken from the Recycled Assembly tab information.
Difference _ Price $ These vales represent the cost difference of the selected estimate lines compared to the cost of the recycled assembly.
Replace with Recycled Select this option to replace the selected estimate lines and add the recycled assembly to the estimate.
Cancel Selecting this option closes the screen without adding.

See Also

Comparing Selected Estimate Lines to a Recycled Assembly







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